Monday, May 05, 2008

Spring Tuneups

It's been a late spring here, so the Spring Tuneup isn't quite done yet. But it's getting there. I did the primary drive maintenance recently, changing out the ATF and cleaning the clutch plates. They were getting a little sticky from either gearbox oil or ATF, I'm not sure which. I might install a clutch pushrod seal kit next I go in.

I was having some problems with the carbs flooding and I noticed the float levels were set too high. I set them to spec, which is done by warming the bowls (I used a heat gun) and adjusting the position of the float seat with a small pin punch. It took me a few tries to get it right, but they're back on now and I haven't had any more flooding.

I also reached a milestone, wearing out my first rear tire on the bike! So I bought a new K81, fitted it to the front, and put the old front tire on the rear. The tires are easy to change with the Dunlop steel rims, but the rear was a bit difficult to balance with the rim clamp throwing things off. I'm not sure if the rim clamp is really necessary, but since it was original fitment and it's still there, I'm still using it for now anyway.

Still to do: gearbox and engine oil changes. Then The Norton should be ready for another season!


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