Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Season Wrapup

Well, The Norton did fine this season, needing nothing more than routine maintenance. It's been 4,000 miles since the rebuild now, and the bike is doing fine. We had our last big club ride of the season a few weeks ago, the annual Plains Ride. This route was a bit longer than usual and the bike logged 165 miles for the day. That's the longest ride I've ever done on the bike.

That oil leak turned out not to be the cylinder studs after all. I eventually traced it to the left rocker banjo. It seems an old crush washer was stuck to the banjo bolt head and I didn't notice it. Old used washer plus new washer equals oil leak! The oil then ran down the space in the middle of the head and collected at the front, looking exactly like leaky studs.

So, that leak is dried up! Now if I could just get the tach drive sealed up...


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